Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Engineer Looking for a got start up job

       As a child there are always a lot a dream that comes into ones mind. The play off for the whole day, the scoldings from your mom & dad and the Love after it. The little fights with the siblings for absolutely no reason. This days are always en-carved into a persons mind for lifetime. Slowly and gradually as life progresses we began to cherish this more than we ever did. The reason behind it is that those were the days when you were all free and had nothing to do expect to think and dream of your future. 

      Everyone dreams of becoming A Engineer, Doctor, Actor but this are dreams which are always far from reality. They only come true if you work hard to fulfill them. Most of do fulfill become successful in life. Successful is a big word. The story of success always starts from a single step as they tell "Journey of miles begin from a Single step". This step is the first job that you get. You always need the starting step, Sachin Tendulkar would not have scored Thousands of runs had he not Ran his first run. The journey is never the problem the only problem is to begin the journey cause once its on you will be experienced enough to tackle the problem that would come in your way. Similarly the start up is the problem nothing else.

     When looking for a start up job it's never a easy road. You would face never ending and tiring problem, but you must be ready to face them. A child who had a dream of becoming an engineer would surely fulfill his dreams but then when he enters into the real world he would just be giving a second thought to the dream that her saw when. The second thought is the one that ends everything up, The ones who never came across a second thought or neglected it have actually become successful in their life. So Friends don't worry, I am just like you guys out there and Engineer looking for his start up job.